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  3. Complete Payment
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1 page = 250 words max
Click here to read more about file types supported.

Our word count tool scans supported file types and counts the number of words or pages. However, this may not always be accurate as the accuracy may be affected by the document type and language.

Therefore, please verify the accuracy of the word count before placing your order. Our project managers may also contact you to revise your quote if they find significant variations in word count.

Supported file types: docx, doc, xlsx, pptx, txt, xliff, csv, xml, html, pdf, json, bmp, pnm, png, jfif, jpeg, tiff & gif.

Max file upload size: 100mb


Click here to read more about our delivery timelines.

On average, most of our translations are delivered within 48 hours for up to 8 pages / 2,000 words. We add 1 extra day for every additional 8 pages / 2,000 words.

You can also pay more to have your order delivered up to 50% faster (from 24 hours) or 75% faster (from 12 hours). However, this option is limited over the weekends due to translator availability. Please note that we do not deliver on Sundays.

Our delivery estimates are for the digital version of your translation only. It excludes the delivery of Notarisation, Apostille, or the physical copy of your translation.

Our delivery timelines are estimates only and are not always guaranteed. We may experience delays due to translator availability and document complexity but will always keep you informed.


Quote Summary

Certified Translation
Certification Type
Standard Certified Translation
Translation Type
Pricing ($26.02 / page)
1 page
Enter Discount Code

Estimated Delivery
Thursday, March 13 (2 days)

Order Your Certified Translation in 3 Easy Steps:

  1. Upload Your Document.
  2. Choose the relevant options.
  3. Make Payment

Note: Our Certified Translations are delivered in partnership with Translayte. You may contact them on +44 (0) 203-949-6080 for updates relating to your order.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of files are acceptable?

You may send us a Microsoft Word (doc or docx), PDF (scanned or editable) or Picture (JPG or PNG) file. All text, signature and stamps within the document should be clearly visible. You may upload one or more files when you order.

How are translations certified?

For certified translations into English, we produce the translation on company letterhead, with a certification cover page, attesting that it is a true and accurate translation of the original. This includes our stamp, signature and contact details.

Will your certified translation be accepted?

Within the UK, and as members of the Association of Translation Companies, our certified translations are accepted by the Home Office, Passport Office, UK Visas, USCIS and Universities. We also provide Sworn, Notarised and Legalised translations that meet the requirements of embassies and foreign authorities.

When will I receive my translation?

The standard turnaround time for certified translations is 48 hours. If you require it sooner, select the Urgent or Same Day option when ordering, and we will aim deliver within 12 - 24 hours or sooner. Requests for postage, notarisation or legalisation may take longer.

Do you certify translations for passport and visa applications?

Yes we do. The majority of certified translations we produce are for clients applying for a visa, naturalisation, passports or for academic reasons. Therefore we take extra precaution to make sure they will be accepted.

How will my certified translations be delivered?

The default delivery method is as a PDF file sent to you by email. This can be printed off and used in your application. You may also order the physical copy, which is printed and posted within 24 - 48 hours.

Where are your translators based?

We recruit and work with translators globally. For translations from English, we may work with translators based in those countries, or in others. All translators sign our NDA and agree to our terms to treat your information securely and fairly.

I have been asked to obtain a sworn translation

Sworn translations are required for official translations into French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Czech Republic and some other countries. For these languages, we only use authorised & sworn translators in those countries. Additional fees apply.

I have been asked to obtain a notarised translation

We can provide Notarised translations that meet the requirements of Foreign Embassies or Authorities. Our translations are notarised by a Notary Public, then posted to you. Notaries charge per document, so we will inform you of any additional fees if you upload more than one document.

I have been asked to obtain a Legalised translation

Legalised translations demonstrate to the Foreign Embassy or Authority that the translation has been certified by a Notary Public, who is in turn known to the UK Foreign Office. We can provide same day or standard legalisation services to accompany your translation request.